Monday, October 30, 2006

The Right Path

Was reading yw2k blog these afternoon. His latest blog describing how much he wants to help his friend, but there is nothing much he could do since his friend didn't wanna trouble him in anyway. I do understand his friend decision. Sometimes, you just need someone there to just listen his/her predicament and thats all. Have you guys ever come to face this kinda situation before? I'm sure at any point of out life, there are always ups and downs. When comes to thing that is really troubling your mind day and night, what would u guys? Just let be? Or you will find your closes friend, you spill your heart and soul to that person, and have someone to hear you out. Although, there is nothing much your friend could do, but just that the moment in time, you have someone to just lend his/her shoulder to cry on, thats all it needs to make someone feel better......

Life is such. One moment you are free feeling happy and gay, like everything is going on your way. And next moment, the least you expected, it just strike right in front of your face and your brain is fill with "what if", "how come ", "can this be it" all the uncertainty that you also won't know what will be the outcome at the end of day. Unless you confront the whole situation, else, how would u ever know the answer ? Or maybe someone of us, we might not want to know the outcome, and just time dictate the next course of action. It is at this moment in time, when a friend is all we need to help us ease our mind..Not to solve the problem, but to hear us out....Not to judge us what is wrong or right, but to understand why we want someone to listen to our this what you called a test of time? Gawd is testing oneself how he or she goin to handle the situation, hopefully whatever the outcome will be, it will make that person a better person........I dunno..I really do not know what is wrong or what is right. The thing i want to really know, why now? After all this year....why now.....i'm clueless....Can someone show me the path......Gawd, can you show me the right path........


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