Let the drum roll begin
After all the mish-mash and rush work, finally the day has come guys. Yeap, the big big launch!! Again, we are thrown into a chaotic, mad rush, adrenalin high-octane pumping week. For the past weeks, was having tuitions and practise that drags till midnight. Come back home, shower, eat, sleep. Next thing you know is already next morning, wake up, rush to work. End of the workshift, rush to conduct classes, then again tuition and practise. One whole big cycle.Well, thats how my schedule like for the past whole week . And these week, is even more dramatic, after weeks of uncertainty, not able to received the materials on time, have to postponed the launch and revised the tuition dates and having to practise for the launch, and to add more pressure, having to conduct demo on the SAME launch date!! the day has finally arrives ppl. Am i glad that everything is finally going to end soon? U BET I AM!!!! hiak!!! am i happy with the outcome so far....U BET I AM!!!! Is really fullfilling to see that all your hardwork that you have put in and in return the responce that you are getting from others with soo much of enthusiastic and also determination they have put in, it just makes your works seems soo much easy. Really need to send out a BIG BIG GOOD JOB!!! to those ppl (u know who u are) who really put all their heart and soul to learn up the chory. Never at any time did anyone complaint bout the late tuition time and yet still show up in full force, that is a real big accomplishment guys. KEEP IT UP!!!!
And now, we have one more final hurdle to go through. The BIG launch date. The launch is this coming Thursday 14th September till 16 Sept. And i am proud to BRAG that this well-establishment gym center is the FIRST GYM to conduct the launch thsi time (Applause!! Applause!!) hehhe...self advertisment, tak malu sajer. Anyway, if you wanna know the schedule for all the Les Mills programme this quarterly, here you go......
Can see clearly ? Yes? No ? Isn't just awesome?? Come on, just look at the instructors taht is lineup for the launch this round. Now you tell me, where can you find all this PRO doing the launch all in one roof eh? Gosh, just look at those names....You have our ever famous BIG Brother barney doing Attack and BStep, the strong Ai Mei and Renee doin BPUMP and BCOMBAT, the ever gentle and subtle John doing Balance, ofcourse, how can you neglect our sifu of the sifu, MEL doing BCOMBAT. Now guys, you tell me, isn't that enuf to makes your mouth drools with saliva and really push you to attend the launch. Now bare in mind, i haven't even mention the other names....heheheh that i would like you guys to focus attentively would be this.......
hahaha...yeah..Thats the one guys. LOLOLOL!!!!! It is going to be BIG, HUGE, FUN, FANTABULOUS, EXCITING, MIND-BLOWING, MAJOR event of the quarter guys. Don't miss it!! Be there!!! Its goin to be just..............(u guys fill in the blanks lar...hehehe)....May the force be with us.........Let the drum roll begin.
Never credit the photographer also... HIAK! :P
Anyway, good luck for your launch tomorrow, Friday and Saturday!
SC wishes you gud lak too!
very looking forward for the launch!!! wanna c u guys rock da house!! of course with our full force :p
again... free publisiti... i rike!!!
ok ok ..Lets Credit the main photographer here...none other than Mr yw2k..clap clap clap. ok. done.
Shirlyn : heheh, not only just rock, we will bring DOWN the house too...LOL!!!!
Leo : can u feel the pressure now? hiak!!!
pressure? i am the pressure cooker... with two leaves =D
so like the launch!!
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