Wednesday, September 06, 2006


From pressure cooker, we move on to Blender. Yes, like a blender machine, every thing chuck into the machine, and press ON! and there it goes all the food being blend eveyrhting together like rojak!! Is another form of metamophosis to explain my current state of mind at this moment. So many chory to learn up, to digest, to master. When you put everything into your mind, and you want to recall back, is just like a blender, everything roll into one lump of junk and you hardly could figure out what moves is for what programme!!! LOL!!!!!

That also explain the absentism of me having to update my blog lately. Have been burning midnight oils trying hard...and i do mean very very HARD to memorise all the programs chory. Ofcourse during the course, there are other things that happened, like having to conduct tuition (dreadful), working (dreadful), and other personal stuff lar :p. Talking bout tuition, tonight gonna have another tuition with other instructors to practise the dance move. And having to learn up and prepare the homework before attending the tuition is one hell of a pressure and mix-up task to do. Espeacially when the time is drawing near, and you know all you have in your mind is just plain full of rojak, thats when you know very well, something is just not right and is like pissing on your pant!!! Is my chory intact? Is my chory on the spot? Do i know what comes after merengue? How many times do i hv to do before i move on to the next step? Did i give the right comment? Does my comment make sense ? No? Yes? How? huh ? ..........and the blender keeps turning and turning and turning..........*^&#@#&^$@*


At September 12, 2006 4:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

relaxxxx... u did a terrific job in those tuition sessions... no worry... lets rawk TF during the launch kay!!! =D

At September 13, 2006 9:57 AM , Blogger xPeace05 said...

my gurl, on first read, i tot you wrote, i did a "TERRIBLE" job!! hiak!! anyway, i'm thankful the tuition is over. And i'm very happy everyeon put in the efforts. Can really see everyone is really into it. Which is a good sign. And as always, is a pleasure to have u to light up the space. :) And thanks for yor support too, really appreciate.


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