Chiang Mai pictures
Time for pictures. Yeap, as promise (already long overdue) the pictures i took during my recent trip to Chiang Mai. Sorry for the arrangement as i don't really hve the time to arrange the sequence or the format. This is the best i can go for now. Decided to breakdown the pictures into places that I have been/visited. And for the first entry, i will post the first stop i visit which is called Dol Sunthep, a must visit Thai Temple/shrine in Chiang Mai. Pictures paint a thousand words . Here you go..........Day 1 - Dol Sunthep
Nice?? heheh...ok..Next stop. On the 2nd day me and my mate decided to take an excursion to go to the highest peak in Thailand. The place is called Dol Ithonion. Is actually a National Park Forest Reserves Sanctuary place. Takes about 2hrs bus ride from the Chiang Mai city to the place. Was told before hand that we might need a jacket since the place could be very cold. Dind't take the hint, end up get caught of the coldness when the bus finally reached the peak. Pictures will show you how cold is the place. Some of the attraction in this excursion includes, the King adn Queen Twin Pagoda, Queen Botanical Garden, Tribes village, some very nice waterfall. Some of the pictures are pretty blur because during our trip the mist was very heavy, esp when we reached to the twin pagoda. According to our tour-guide, on a nice day, we can actually havea magnificent view of the both said pagoda. Guess not our luck that day..But nevertheless, took some pictures for you guys to enjoy.........
Day 2 - Dol Inthonion
Magnificent are't those pictures? There are more nice pictures coming your way. And i shall update it on the next entry. Took me the whole morning to get up these pictures...hahahaha...there goes my half day......:p
wahhh.. the waterfall is so niceeeeeee... wanna go!!!!
Leo: Yeah, i was so surprise to see such a beautiful waterfall...Just magnificent!!
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