Thursday, November 23, 2006

Stupid Ghost

Have not being having a good sleep for the past couple of a dayz. Ever since i did that balance on monday night, my sleep pattern went topsy-turvy. Wide awake at night, sleepy like a pig in the day time. Do not know what happened on the last balance class. Could be i have stretch myself too much or the tracks the tweets and the "lion mouth" chooses are damn kau difficult. The effect of the stretches didn't really take off immediately. On Tuesday was still ok, but towards the night, while i was doing my attack class, everytime i lift up my leg or do jumping or hopping, i can really feel my side-butt pain lei!!! From that on.....oh boi....a slight twitch on the butt area also can feel the pain!! Ouch!! Till today there are still some feeling. Now, you might be asking, issit working on the right manner or the opposite side. I seriously dunno. Furthermore i just did 4 classes of wave yesterday night. If it doesn't work (to firm it up!! hiak) i do know who i should look for....the tweety bird or the lion mouth......

Had a stupid dream yesterday night. One of those dream that i could remember vividly after i was awake. Have you ppl dreamt bout ghost ? Yeap. Of all the dreams i could dream off, i dreamt about a stupid pathetic ghost!! There he/she was, squating ontop of my wardrobe cupboard. He/She was looking down at me, while he/she long black hair was daggling onthe way to the floor. (how common r ghost eh? heheh). It was a sub-consious mind or whatever it is, i sense that i it was real. There i was trying to force myself to sleep and there "it" was with it stupid squatting position. My immediate respond was to take my pillow and whack kau the he/she non-stop. Damn kau siu i tell u !!! Just keep whacking the he/she!! Whack Whack Whack!!! And all he/she does was to block and stair at me in he/she eyes. The more he/she stares, the more i whack!! Whack until i was so tired....and then, i woke up!!

Now, you tell me guys, what does it mean ah ? have you ppl had any similar dreamz? Care to share ? Maybe i watched too much of those stupid horror movies....the last one was Grudge 2, which if u ppl have read my earlier review....the director of the movie should be banisehd from the rest of his life!!!!! ..............


At November 23, 2006 4:20 PM , Blogger jazz2dmax said...

Hahaha... go for balance classes more often, then u won't get so much of a butt pain...

i think the tracks that tweety bird did was more working on the butt... so look for her (she's gonna kill me for saying that)!!! hahahah...

As for the "ghost" thingy... u should stare back at him/her fiercely n roar at the fella!!! hehehehe... or maybe the "ghost" is hinting u to go more balance class...wakakakakaa!!!

At November 23, 2006 10:19 PM , Blogger xPeace05 said...

j2dm : ooooo so if i wanan do my butt i go to tweetybird? then what is the lion mouth for? useless rite he ? heheheh

At November 24, 2006 9:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dun think Balance caused your sleepness night, ler. It's the crazy lady in your subconscious mind.

You want nice butts, nice abs, come and see me.

Wah, you call sifu lion mouth. This is war!!

At November 24, 2006 9:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tracks where got difficult?

You got your Butterfly song rite, specially at the request of sifu you know, hiak hiak.

At November 24, 2006 9:47 PM , Blogger jazz2dmax said...

xpeace05 - ya.. butt workout look for tweety bird! hahaha... wah!! where got useless?? seong sei meh?? hahaha.. he would be more on leg standing strength...kekeke.. very torture one..

tweets - u do track 6 n 7 always torturing one.. wa wa wa!


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