Whoa!! What an eventful weekend...
Yeah!! Just Exhilirating!. First was the friday night launch of the hip-hop dance event. Took me almost 2 1/2 hours just to reach KL that night. Traffic was bumper-to-bumper and with the earlier downpour, it just didn't help much! Reached destination on the dot. Without wasting anytime, rush to the changing room, put on my sponsored apparells and str8 head to the main studio and gosh what a sight!! Inside the studio was filled with members all eagerly waiting for the dance to launch. Was told that night there were like 70+ members registered for the event. The head instructor did an intro of all the instructors involved. Since i was late, i missed out that introduction. But it was ok. Not that they know me anyway hiak. The lighting was just something special for that night. Instead of using the normal studio lights, they exchange it with the spotlights and camera lights. The atmosphere is like u r going for the great dance party!! By the time the whole thing was ended, can see everyone was sweating profusely, tired but the most important of all, happy! Yeah. I personally fill this is one of the best dance i have done so far. But whether the member can follow and enjoy the entire dance sequence, that is yet to be seen.Did my first class in cheras on sunday late afternoon. Member turnout was very engaraging. About 50+ in total. I was abit nervous since i dind't really fully prepared for the class, blame it on my pure laziness! hiak! Screw up abit on the warm-up and the routine block. The warm-up itself i took bout 30 mins of the time. So when comes to the routine part, i only manage to do likee 8 - 9 blocks out of the total 27 blocks. Anyway, base on the member responce, i can be certain they did enjoyed the class. But whether they will come back for a next session that is a big question. It will be too early to say whether this has been a successfull event. Will have to wait till the end of the week and see how many members turn up for the second sessions. (keep finger cross). Again after going thru the launch and the last class yesterday, i can savely say i will not dissapoint you guys who wanna learn up the dance move. I will definately brush up my dance move (to look more hip-hop) and also memorise the blocks for this coming weeks to come. No more screw up!! ehehhe....
Oh, on another note. I did received some nice compliments from member indicatin that night launch, that i do look good with the sponsored apparells. Hmm....If any of the sponsors are reading this blog now...ahem....u know what to do yeah......(although i do think those member who gave me the compliments are blind!! hahahhah) wink wink
wah.. gila wei rockstar :( did 8 blocks i think.. duno what crap la :( now my right ass is painfullll :(
eh mari la give extra classes la ;x
Wei Penny... How come your ass hurts doing Rockstar punya? :P
I believe we only 6 blocks Penny... Not 8 :D
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