Kindness and Compassion
Well, the title says it all and also kinda appropriate for me to start my blog with something that is worthwhile to help oneself. Came across this site from one of the many newsletter that i received daily.I am sure you guys have received spam mails throughout your life informing how you can donate blood or contribute monetary form to save someone lives, regardless young or elderly. But sometimes u do wonder whether all this emails are just fraud or real. There is no where you can confirm the source.
Upon reading this particular site,(and is a genuine site ppl) i just felt that i have to do something to show and lend my support. Although i might not able to contribute much (not even 1/3 of what the victim is seeking) but then goin thru my blog, i really hope ppl will click at the link below and read and hopefully that someone can help out in anyway that he/she can possible. Christmas is just round the corners mates, lets spread some joy n cheers .........
Yvonne Foong - Buy a shirt, save a life Project
In her words: "Heart4hope is a project to raise money for surgery to save my life. Neurofibromatosis Type 2 had caused three tumors to grow in my brain and multiple more along my spine.My latest need is to remove a tumor (Acoustic Neuroma) that caused hearing loss in the left ear.
The surgery can be done in Malaysia, but at a great risk of facial paralysis, scarring tissues, cerebrospinal fluid leakage (csf) and other possible complications.This tumor can grow large enough to push my brainstem out of position, thus distrupting oxygen flow to the brain. It will lead to difficulty in breathing, swallowing, and subsequently death. Continue reading by clicking the link above.......
Thanks for your support and for spreading the word!
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